Monday, September 15, 2008

neither rain, nor snow. . . .

. . . nor dark of night. . . . but apparently construction mud & mire will stop the postal workers in their tracks. So! This is another big step: the mail box.I wonder what the first mail delivery will consist of?

Junk mail, no doubt. But hey. A girl can hope!



Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It IS a big first step to connecting you and your new environs with the rest of the world! Too bad more people don't pen their correspondence, said I, tapping away on the computer....

queenie said...

As it turns out, one of the very first deliveries didn't even fit into the mailbox! It was Joyful's daffodils - and had to be left on the front steps. . . .

Yep. Know you what you mean about the diminishing penned correspondence. Which child's book was it in that said: "In order to get a letter, you have to first write a letter"?
