Tuesday, January 13, 2009

more knitting

I don't think this will turn into a knitting blog, but I realize that this makes two different knitting projects in about a week! To all you non-knitters out there: sorry about that. Bear with me. Surely I will start to focus on something else again, shortly.

As it is, the bobble project is finished, but I can't find enough of the same metal buttons to line one edge of it, as required. You need something like 20 of them, and most stores only have 6 or 8 of the same kind, if you're lucky! (hello, internet!) So it looks as if I'll be posting yet a third knitting entry here shortly. Meanwhile. . . .

Found: one Norwegian-style sock I've been carting around with me for probably 5 years.

In search of: a toe and a matching mate.

We're working on it, as you see.


Jennifer said...

Maybe you could find complementary buttons and alternate them? Just a thought.

Those socks are BEAUTIFUL!
I'm going to quit knitting right now. I'll never be able to make something like that!

queenie said...

Great idea about the buttons, Jennifer! I'll let you know how it works out.

I'm glad you like the socks - they look a whole lot more difficult to make than they actually are, by the way. The biggest problem is keeping the two different coloured yarns straight. What I discovered? Keep one in the left hand (Continental-style) and the other in the right hand (American-style). Of course, that does require that you learn both ways of handling the yarn. . . .

Stick with it!

Anonymous said...

I have that book and love those socks! In my queue to be knit some time in the future, but guess I ought to finish the other knee socks that still reside on the needles...and need to be ripped back...cuz I wasn't paying attention...and forgot the gusset decrease...might finish them next Christmas!

queenie said...

bummer about the gusset decrease Cheryl - that's so discouraging, isn't it?! It's when I've made a mistake - and especially the costly mistakes - that I'm most at risk to set something aside. . . .

Is that the way-cool over-the-knee sock, one colour, with a really pretty traveling stitch pattern, by the way? I've been meaning to get that pattern to make for myself.

One day!