Thursday, April 2, 2009

problem vegetables. . . .

This is the funniest article I've read in a long time: The Locavore's Dilemma: What to do with the kale, turnips, and parsley that overwhelm your CSA bin.

I was hooked by the first line: "It was what I did to the macaroni and cheese that made me seek professional help." (wait'll you read what she did to the macaroni and cheese!)

Meanwhile, here's my problem veggie, the tomato. I don't like tomatoes, but I'm growing them. From seed. There are 5 of them now, total, in two pots. Three for three in this pot alone! Wait'll the tomatoes start coming. . . . (and no, I refuse to put them into macaroni and cheese!) If I had any sense, I'd kill them now while they're still small; while there's still time.

In other news, here's my problem planter. It cracked in the harsh winter. The shiny stuff is Gorilla Glue liberally applied in an attempt to stave off the inevitable for one more season. When the instructions say that it "expands" - believe it! Five minutes after this picture was taken, it looked like a fuzzy caterpillar snake was crawling up the planter. Luckily, it appears I can chisel that off, later - or paint it.

After the glue is mostly dry, I get to put all these plants in. Woo hoo! [stay tuned for the "After" picture]


Jennifer said...

That is going to look beautiful.
It's still too cold here (NE) to start planting containers. Come on, spring!

Lee Anne said...

I love my tomatoes--we usually grow romas, big beef, and cherry (or 100s). We use ours for homemade pasta sauce, pico de gallo (chips and salsa all summer long!), and caprese salad (we always have basil), if we don't eat them right off the plant before we get to the house. Be patient and plant them deep! Happy planting! I wonder what we'll be planting out in Arizona...