Note to self: you really do have to work with larger colour samples on this stuff. Amazingly, the sheet with the many stripes of colour is the "most popular" - i.e. the "standard" stucco colours. You will note the total absence of anything approaching either white or gray.
The "safe" call is white, of course, in one of its many incarnations. Namely: white with a yellow undertone? Blue? Green? Red?
White-white is a scary, harsh thing. Not something we'd do in stucco.
I'm not sure we're going to do white or cream stucco in any event, though. Believe it or not, we're leaning towards an orangish yellow! To wit: the colour on the picture at the far left of the windowsill, above. It was of the more 'out-there' examples that our stucco-man provided of his work, and it's really grown on us. Yellow.
If you can imagine!
I feel like I should consult colour experts here. I feel totally out of my league.
This is either going to be really cool - or really horrible.
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