Speaking of dormers, and the cost of vinyl, we had a meeting with Tom-builder yesterday and - among other things - talked about the ever-lurking "change order."
Now the "change order" is a potentially dangerous creature. Going one way, it's docile as a lamb. Going the other way, it bites you in the butt.
Here's how it works: If you make a change that involves the builder not having to do something he otherwise would have had to do, all's well. No problem. See? Docile.
If you make a change that involves the builder having to do something additional, watch your posterior. Box out a plyboard window seat in the guesthouse dormers? $250 each.
I thought that was high.
The king thought it was ok, though. "Cost of wood. Oh - and hinges. And they're going to have to stain it.
He's better about this than I am. Although I suspect he will shortly be challenging the traditional docile nature of the change order that's supposed to be in favor the homeowner. . . .
this is a great site to build a house. It will be a great place to live.
Thank you, Ewa. It is very nice to meet you - all the way from Poland! Your photography is very beautiful, and I think you also live in a very wonderful place.
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